Saturday, September 29, 2007

Entry 3: And so we bow into autumn...

It wasn't really until yesterday that autumn's well on it's way. It poured rain, and for the first time in months, the air was pretty damn cold before sunset. A flock of geese made their way over my house, and my neighbor's tree has already begun to shed it's leaves (all over the place!).

I'm excited, though, because autumn, along with spring, are my favorite seasons of the year. Jason got an invitation to go to an Octoberfest celebration, and he invited me to come along. That will be interesting, I'm sure.

Then there's Halloween (dons a pair of cat-ears). Oh, and people who reside in Bonney Lake, Washington: PLEASE do not go to WalMart to shop for Halloween goodies. The propts are horribly made, the costumes are pretty half-assed, and there's hardly any variety when it comes to candy. Target has twice the isles of candy (along with Halloween-themed margarita mixes and other fun stuff) and thrice the propts and costumes of 100x better quality. So go to Target. The people working there obviously put a lot of time and effort into setting up the seasonal section (including my Jason), so let's show them we appreciate them for all their hard work!

Bye bye for now, and have a good autumn!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Entry 2: Haters piss me off...

I am an American, but that doesn't mean I can't be ashamed of other Americans. As I browse the internet in search of something to enlighten me, I am practically forced to look upon some of the most vulgar and disrespectful shit I have ever seen. A lot of it isn't even directed at me! It's directed at certain groups in which I have friends: homosexuals, African-Americans, Hispanics, non-Christians, people with mental and/or physical disabilities, women, etc. It fucking pisses me off!

What pisses me off most is the bashing of homosexuals and the disabled. My brother has autism, and people pick on him because he can't talk right. So what? He'll memorize more than most of you stupid motherfuckers! Leave him the fuck alone! He's a sweet kid, and without him my life would never be as good as it is right now. As for other people with disabilities, they can't help it. They were born that way! Don't make it any harder on them than it already is! Other than whatever defect they may have, they are normal people just like you and me. Treat them like it!

On another note, about 60% of my friends are lesbians, bisexuals, or homosexual men. I respect them because, like me, they are human beings. They are kind to me, they've never posed any threat, and most of them have proven themselves better friends than most of my straight ones! I don't give a shit if they like their own gender over the opposite! That's their choice, and it shouldn't be anybody's business but theirs. They should be to proud to be who they are, and not have to fear getting bashed for no real reason; for unfounded hate and irrational fear.

Hate is poison. Don't aim it towards anyone. Hell, don't even let it form! You will just wind up hurting yourself and others. Learn to let people in, despite how different they are. Look for the similarities rather than the differences. If someone has hurt you, don't hold a grudge. Learn to forgive, because forgiveness is the best closure that I have ever come to know in the pains in my life. It helps you move on, and it helps you to become a better person.

Thank you.

Entry 1: "Holly, why are you changing your pen name AGAIN?!!!!! IT'S SO CONFUSING, OMG!!!!"

You know, it's funny...I've gone through many, many pen names over the past decade. It started off as Black Widow, and then it went to Saravena Moonshadow, and then it went to Elix Ebonwolfe, and now my new one is Ilex Holkit.

Wanna know how I came up with all these crazy names? I'll tell you!

Black Widow was a pen name I picked out when I the fourth and fifth grade? Heheh...I wanted to pick out something creepy (this was back in the infamous days when I drew gore and sold it at recess for 25 cents a sheet). Apparently, I wasn't really as creative as I thought I was. Go figure.

My second one, Saravena Moonshadow, was based off a witch name I made up for myself when I was still into Wicca and witchcraft and all that yummy stuff. I later changed it to Elix Ebonwolfe after doing a little more spiritual research. "Elix" was actually supposed to be spelled "Ilex", which is the Latin name for the holly tree. "Ebonwolfe" was simply a creative word I made up that, quite obviously, means "black wolf". I like wolves, and the color black is one I still cherish. It goes with everything!

My current pen name, Ilex Holkit, is already half-explained. I spelled "Ilex" correctly this time. "Holkit" was actually an endearing nickname my boyfriend made up for me. "Hol-" is for "Holly", and "-kit" is for "kitten". He calls me his kitten. Isn't that adorable? So now you know the origins of all these crazy names. Will I switch again in the future? Only time will tell.